Thursday 17 April 2008

Hundreds attend Katy French's funeral

Hundreds attend Katy French's funeral

Hundreds of mourners take attended the funeral of 24-year-old example Katy French.
Tributes were paid to the exemplar at a divine service in St Patrick's church in Enniskerry by her mother Janet, father Saint John the Apostle and sister Jill.
Katy French's mother said that her girl brought her smile and coruscate with her and that she was mortal world Health Organization readily gave pardon.
Her mother too said that she had learned the difference she could make up in the earth through her charity work with Finish.
The model's baby Jill described her as soul wHO was able to show beloved and forgiveness and world Health Organization was emotionally fearless.
Many figures from the domain of fashion, media and athletics attended the funeral service.
Olympic champion natator Michelle de Brown bear, Irish Gaelic rugger star Shane Byrne and singer, Chris de Burgh were among the hundreds of mourners.
The Taoiseach was represented by the Aide-de-camp de Compte, Captain Michael Tracey.
The 24-year-old socialite died on Thursday four days after she collapsed at a friend's mansion.